Thursday, August 29, 2024

The bikes of Copenhagen

Ted. I have heard about bicycle cultures around the world but have never “lived” with bikes as we are doing here in Copenhagen. Judy and I are surrounded by them and I guess I have become a bit obsessed with the bikes. 

This is a very, very flat city so biking is a breeze. Also, parking and owning a car in the city is a hassle and expensive. I should add that we have not seen as many bikes in the suburbs and smaller towns; cars abound there. Also, the weather has been fantastic which probably brings more bikers out. 

So, here are a few observations. Bike paths are everywhere! Naturally there are many through the parks, but most major streets seem to have a bike lane in each direction that is nearly as wide as a car lane. Also, they do not need to be protected with a curb because car drivers watch out for bikes. 

Very importantly to me, bikers follow the rules! Something I never see in Athens. They stay in the bike lanes, stop at stop signs and red lights and dismount on sidewalks. They even use hand signals when turning. I would say about half of the adults (and all kids) wear helmets. 

It’s cool to see such a wide variety of bikes. The engineer in me comes out when I try to figure out the purpose of each bike. Here are a few.

Note the seatbelts for the kids!

Mom's bringing kids to an ice cream shop

I have no idea what this is!

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