Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 Judy. When we talked about the Slow-Go years, I don't think we had any idea how quickly they would hit us, or in what forms. The pinched nerve really scared us, but with an injection from my spine specialist, and rest time on the ship, I was up and running in no time. I think I used Ruby the Transport Chair twice on shore excursions, and twice on the ship, but was quickly able to get by either walking alone or with my hiking poles. Two miles a day became an ordinary day, and, in Reykyavík, I walked six miles with no problem (although I slept well that night!). I am so very deeply grateful for that.

The day we flew to Copenhagen, I felt pretty crummy, like I was coming down with a cold. BLAM! I woke the next day with my first case of Covid. Fortunately I just had one awful day, and my fever broke that night. Still, we decided to play it safe and hang out in our neighborhood and away from people. So that changed our big fancy plans for this city we've so been looking forward to visiting.

 The coffee house at the lake near our apartment

By Friday (we arrived on Monday), we were able to accept an invitation to visit Lene and Kim. We met Lene ten years ago when she played the flute at our nephew Chris's wedding, and we hit it off. I was also able to connect her with an American host for her son to study in the US.

Lene and Kim and LUNCH

Lene met us downtown and drove us to her gorgeous home in another part of Copenhagen. She and her husband Kim fed us a beautiful smørrebørd--do not even try to compare it to what we in the US call a smorgasboard! This beautiful tray held all kinds of Danish treats as open faced sandwiches. 

Smørrebørd to die for

After we were stuffed with beautiful food and great conversation, we went for a walk. In ten minutes we had moved from the suburbs to open fields, lakes and woods. 

Open fields and lake

Abandoned hunters lodge

We walked off some of lunch, so that, upon returning, we could enjoy Danish desserts and coffee. 

Kim and Ringo and dessert

But wait! There's more! The Danish Royal Symphony, where Lena is flautist, had a concert that night, and she had secured us tickets! The Opera House, where they played, is stunning, sitting on the Inner Harbor and across from Amalienborg (Royal palace) and Frederik's Church. Opened in 2005, it cost over $300,000,000. And it is gorgeous, with acoustics to die for! Led by Artistic Conductor Marie Jacquot, Strauss and Mozart were on the menu, with a guest violinist whose name I missed, but who was brilliant.

View from the Opera House

The Danish Royal Opera House

The orchestra warming up

As she drove us home, Lene took us by Christiania (freewheeling, free living area), Tivoli Gardens, and through the beautiful downtown area. We finished up the day with pizza and wine at the joint across the street from our apartment, Lene in her elegant black dress!

Yes, things are going well, if slower for us. We won't see all of Copenhagen or the other areas we'd planned to visit. But I'm in great shape. And I stop when I need to.

Best news? After attending church Sunday at the Flintholm Kirke, we donated Ruby the Transport Chair to them today.

Flintholm Kirke

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