Saturday, July 30, 2016

Don't Know Where We're Going!

Ted. Once people get over the shock of our nomadic plans for retirement, the next question is invariably, “So where will you go?” Our answer is usually “We don’t know.” The truth is that we have a general sense but are leaving lots of holes in our schedule for unexpected diversions. For instance, Judy was recently working with a woman who was born in Zimbabwe. When she asked if she should ask her dad if he would welcome us to his home, we said “Sure!” Had we created a rigid schedule, that option would not have been open to us.

So, our four month Round The World trip which begins in January is starting to gel. Here is the current itinerary, “Canada (BC), New Zealand (North & South Island), Australia (New South Wales & Victoria), Singapore, Malaysia (Peninsular & Borneo), Indonesia (Java – not Bali), Cambodia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria. Stay tuned for further updates, though because who knows where we might be invited next!