Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Insanity and R & R

Judy. One month in Georgia, and we are finally slowing down. We’ve been embraced by friends and family, and are reveling in being among folks we love. We’ve delighted in our kids and grandsons, exploring Cade’s cardboard “fort”, watching Ollie try to crawl, and beaming at Parker’s mad bass skills as he played at Athfest with one of his bands. Friends have opened their homes and guest rooms and celebrated our temporary return. I’m reminded of the old Girl Scout song I loved:
         Make new friends, but keep the old.
         One is silver, and the other gold.

A couple of weeks after our return, Ted, grandson Parker, and I volunteered at Reading Camp through our church. Children, grades 3 – 5 who have difficulty reading came to “camp”, where we read books and played games to help boost skills and encourage their love of reading. It’s been awhile since I taught and I was delighted with how much I enjoyed the kids, their curiosity, and their love of books. Kudos to the folks who started this five years ago.  

Two days after our return, I received an email from my agent with an audition for an industrial for an assisted living facility. To my delight, I got the job, and spent a week in Chattanooga, TN, taping with a wonderful woman and little girl; and a producer, director, and crew to die for, not to mention an outstanding makeup artist who sent me from age 50 to 80. Each day was a joy, and I even had time to do a nature walk at a
nearby state park one afternoon, and to have dinner with an old friend. The end result looks to be a work I am quite proud of. AND I was away shooting while Ted was in Denver visiting his dad and sisters. Couldn’t have worked out better
BUT we were ready to crash alone for a bit, so we have settled for a couple of days in the North Georgia mountains to do some hiking and figure out some plans for 2018.

We checked into a hotel and managed a couple of hikes on favorite trails.  There’s been lots of rain, but some rhododendron and some wild azaleas held on, and the forests were absolutely verdant. Plus, we got an early morning start, so often had the trails to ourselves. Bliss!

Fully rested, we’re ready to visit more friends, get doctors’ appointments in, and, in my case, spend a week working at the Atlanta Merchandise Mart, before spending the last two weeks in an airbnb in Athens.

Good to be back, and ready to go on.    

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