Monday, June 8, 2020

Joy in the Time of Corona (with apologies to Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Judy. Strange times.

At this point, I’m sure everyone in the world knows that we in the US are dealing with more than the Pandemic of Covid-19. Civil unrest, and a long-overdue look at systemic racism has exploded into peaceful protests and into riots, encouraged by fringe anarchistic groups. Lack of national leadership has brought about confusion in both cases. Strange times, indeed.

In terms of the Pandemic, we have expanded our “bubble” to include both kids and their families, and to have physically distanced wine and snacks outside with a few friends. This has been a lifesaver to us. Being alone the rest of the time is not so bad, and we’re still walking and hiking. We also check several times a week with friends who are alone and with friends around the world who are also on lockdown.

In terms of the civil unrest, we do the same. We have friends of color who are finally opening up to us about living in a world where watching EVERYTHING you do is de rigeur, and it is breaking our hearts. While some are protesting in organized marches, others, often afraid of the virus in such crowds, are praying that love will get us all through this and into a unified people and nation. It is not an easy time. We whites are having to take long, hard looks at ourselves, and our friends of color are having to find the courage to speak up.

In the long run, this is a good thing. And it’s the power of love that has to carry us.

In the middle of all this, we look for joy—the gardenia bush flowering outside our front door, our youngest grandson taking his first steps, and, crazy as it seems, our neighborhood raccoon, Corona.

A few days ago, we were at the dining room table and saw a young raccoon sauntering down the driveway, across the street, and into our neighbor’s yard. It was three o’clock in the afternoon! I thought they were nocturnal!

Then yesterday, when we were returning in our truck Raymond, he stopped us dead in our driveway as he calmly waited to see what we’d do. Finally, he walked to our fence, climbed over, crossed the yard, and climbed the fence to get out again. Smart guy!

This morning I saw him heading down the driveway again, and slipped out back to get a photo. Corona gave me a look that said, “Seriously?” and climbed a small tree where he sat and watched until I left.

This little guy has been a delight. Raccoons, I’m told, are the mascot of the Pandemic. They always wear their masks, they wash their hands, and if you rearrange one of the accepted spellings of racoon, it spells Corona.

No, it’s not easy now. We’re counting on love and joy and courage. And a few laughs we can get from our buddy Corona.

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